ENGLISH 012A Developmental Writing SYLLABUS
Texts: 75 Readings Plus. Buscemi, Santi V. and Charlotte Smith. McGraw Hill, New York, 2009. Handouts from instructor Materials Needed: Notebook/ ring binder (1 inch) Journal Course Objectives:
Class requirements:
All work, except in-class work, MUST BE TYPED.
Weekly reflective paragraphs and three essays are due this semester. Please staple all items OR put them in a page protector to pass them in. There will be several in-class writing assignments. You are required to keep a double entry journal on all writing. Please staple all items OR put them in a page protector to pass them in. All written assignments are due at noon on Friday of the week they are assigned. STUDENTS ARE REQUIRED TO ACHIEVE A C (73) OR BETTER TO PASS THIS COURSE. ANYTHING LESS WILL RESULT IN FAILURE. Please leave your cell phones on VIBRATE during class time so that you will be notified of emergency notifications from the college. Please DO NOT take personal calls, unless they are of an emergency nature, during class time. Texting will NOT be tolerated at any time. Plagiarism: Cheating or plagiarism will not be tolerated. Any student found guilty of either of these will receive a failing grade for the assigned work. Students are expected to maintain a record of all source material, including copyright information, for all writing assignments. Evidence of plagiarism will be referred to the Academic Dean. Absences: Attending college is not mandatory; it is a choice that every student makes. Success, especially in my classes is largely dependent on in-class discussions and activities. Therefore, attendance in class is important. Absences can affect your ability to succeed and will be reflected in your final grade. More than two unexcused absences affect your grade. Three consecutive unexcused absences will result in automatic dismissal from the class. An excused absence is awarded in the case of illness (you or your child), family bereavement/medical emergency, or adverse weather conditions. You must notify me ahead of time or as soon as is reasonably possible for an excused absence. COMMUNICATION IS CRITICAL. Repeated absences will make it impossible to succeed and a total of seven absences can result in dismissal from the class. You are required to make up all the work missed in class. If you are absent from class, you are responsible for determining what work you missed and what assignments are due at the next class period. There is a penalty of one letter grade for late work, unless you have requested and received an excused absence, prior to the date of the absence or as soon as is reasonably possible. Missed Assignments
You must make arrangements to make up any missing assignments with the instructor. If you fail to make up the work, you will have to take a “0” for the missed test or quiz. You have one week to make up the quiz or exam. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Notification
Any student with a documented disability (physical, learning or psychological) who would like to request academic accommodations should contact: Tammy Nelson, Director of Counseling, located in the main NMCC campus in the Christie Building or by calling 768-2839. This syllabus is subject to change as may be necessary to support your learning. Grading:
N.M.C.C. GRADING POLICY: A = 93 - 100 = 4.00 A- = 90 - 92 = 3.67 B+ = 87 - 89 = 3.33 B = 83 - 86 = 3.00 B- = 80 - 82 = 2.67 C+ = 77 - 79 = 2.33 C = 73 - 76 = 2.00 C- = 70 - 72 = 1.67 D+ = 67 - 69 = 1.33 D = 63 - 66 = 1.00 D- = 60 - 62 = 0.67 F = Below 60 = 0.00 |