UNIT 1 Understanding and Writing a Descriptive Narrative GOALS: Understand and use the process of writing Understand the Narrative as a method of conveying information Understand the importance of specific detail in providing description in an essay Practise proofreading, editing and revision. Use appropriate spelling, grammar and punctuation Week ending January 22, 2010 Writing assignment 1: Crappy First Draft of a Descriptive-Narrative Essay PROMPT: Throughout our lives each one of us has experiences, good or bad, that profoundly shape who we are as people. Consider the examples we have read in “How I Learned the Power of Words” and “All Over but the Shoutin’.” What we learn from such experiences are usually common lessons or knowledge that other people can identify with. Write a two-page draft describing an experience, good or bad, that you have had that changed the way you see the world, provided you with new understanding of yourself or people around you, and that has influenced the way you function as a human being. The paper must be formatted and typed as indicated in the syllabus. Please refer to the Scoring Guide for this assignment to insure that you meet the criteria. This paper is due on the last class day of the week ending January 22,2010. Writing assignment #2: Revision of your Descriptive-Narrative Essay. GUIDELINES: Revision means re-seeing. You should be focusing on adding information and details that expand and further explain why your experience was significant, and on deleting wordiness, information that has no connection to the topic, and looking at how easy it is to read the essay. Take note of my comments in the margin, identify and correct mistakes in spelling and grammar, and proofread for typing mistakes. The paper must be formatted and typed as indicated in the syllabus. Please refer to the Scoring Guide for this assignment to insure that you meet the criteria. This paper is due on the last class day of the week ending January 29, 2010.
GUIDELINES: Depending on how much attention you give to the previous draft, this essay should be approaching a final draft as defined in the FINAL DRAFT Scoring Guide, or may be your final. Your final draft is your first fully graded paper. Again, you should be focusing on adding information and details that expand and further explain why your experience was significant, and on deleting wordiness, information that has no connection to the topic, and looking at how easy it is to read the essay. Take note of my comments in the margin, identify and correct mistakes in spelling and grammar, and proofread for typing mistakes. The paper must be formatted and typed as indicated in the syllabus. Please refer to the Scoring Guide for this assignment to insure that you meet the criteria. This paper is due on the last class day of the week ending February 5, 2010. Writing assignment #4: Final draft of Descriptive-Narrative Essay. GUIDELINES: This is the final draft of this paper. Focus on meeting all the points of the FINAL DRAFT Scoring Guide. Your final draft is your first fully graded paper. You may want to consider using the Academic Success Center tutors for additional proofreading and comments. This paper is due on the last class day of the week ending February 12, 2010. |