PASS stands for a Plan to Assure Student Success. It is used by students and faculty advisors to highlight areas that contribute to a students’ likely success in a healthcare program. To use this tool, click to select the item that best describes the student for each category. The program calculates the total, and suggests the student’s level of risk for failure. This tool is to be used to promote discussion between faculty and student, and to assist the student in making informed decisions.
Course Load and Academics:
Less than 8 Credits
9-14 Credits
15 or more Credits
Current GPA > 3.6
Current GPA 3.0-3.5
Current GPA 2.5-2.9
Current GPA 2.0-2.4
Current GPA < 2.0
No Current GPA
Has no course grade below C
Has 1 course grade that is C or lower
Has 2 or more course grades below C
Holds a previous college degree:
Participates in 1 or more campus student organizations:
travels < 20 miles to class
travels 20-40 miles to class
travels >40 miles to class
Life Stressors:
Family Responsibility:
Caring for no children
Caring for 1-2 children
Caring 3 or more children
Education/Work History:
Attendance in previous healthcare program
Has attended college previously, or a 3 year study plan
Has been employed in healthcare
Attendance warnings issued since enrolling at NMCC:
No warnings
1 or 2 warnings
3 to 5 warnings
Clinical warnings issued since enrolling at NMCC:
No warnings
1 or 2 warnings
3 to 5 warnings
Admission Testing:
TEAS Composite score > 90
TEAS Composite score 80-90
TEAS Composite score 70-80
TEAS Composite score < 69
Working < 10 hours / week
Working 11-20 hours / week
Working 20-30 hours / week
Working > 31 hours / week
Positive Study Habits:
Uses the ASC weekly
Participates in a study group regularly
Attends content review, test review and Tutoring faithfully
Seeks help from advisor regularly
Has completed Nurse Logic on ATI or has attended a study skills workshop