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Courses for - Fall - 2425
ACC 114 01 - Principles of Accounting I
Cowett, Nancy
ACC 114 02 - Principles of Accounting I
Cowett, Nancy
ACC 114 20 - Principles of Accounting I
Cowett, Nancy
ACC 114 21 - Principles of Accounting I
Cowett, Nancy
ACC 114 92 - Principles of Accounting I
Nunez, Kristen
ACC 210 01 - Intermediate Accounting I
Cowett, Nancy
ACC 210 20 - Intermediate Accounting I
Cowett, Nancy
ACC 214 01 - Federal Taxation I
Clayton, Dwight
ACC 214 20 - Federal Taxation I
Clayton, Dwight
ACC 223 01 - Accounting Nonprofit Organizations
Cowett, Nancy
ACC 223 20 - Accounting Nonprofit Organizations
Cowett, Nancy
ACC 234 20 - Accounting Information Systems I
Cowett, Nancy
ACR 111 01 - Non-Structural Repairs
Sargent, Jason
ACR 209 01 - Auto Collision Blueprint & Estimati
Sargent, Jason
ACR 211 01 - Painting And Refinishing
Sargent, Jason
ALH 115 20 - Intro Healthcare Professions
Corey, Jeremy
ALH 115 90 - Intro Healthcare Professions
Guerrette, Rebecca
ALH 124 20 - Health Safety Compliance Healthcare
LeBlanc, Taylor
ALH 124 21 - Health Safety Compliance Healthcare
LeBlanc, Taylor
ALH 124 22 - Health Safety Compliance Healthcare
LeBlanc, Taylor
ALH 124 90 - Health Safety Compliance Healthcare
Guerrette, Rebecca
ALH 220 20 - Medical Terminology
Harvey, Rhonda
ALH 220 21 - Medical Terminology
LeBlanc, Taylor
ALH 220 90 - Medical Terminology
Guerrette, Rebecca
ALH 220 93 - Medical Terminology
Sloat, Amber
AUT 109 01 - Intro Auto Tech
Kaiser, Robert
AUT 109 93 - Intro Auto Tech
Winiarski, Kenneth
AUT 114 01 - Suspension and Steering
Kaiser, Robert
AUT 115 01 - Automotive Electricity
LaJoie, Paul
AUT 115 02 - Automotive Electricity
LaJoie, Paul
AUT 116 01 - Brakes
Kaiser, Robert
AUT 125 01 - Automotive Electronics
LaJoie, Paul
AUT 214 01 - Engine Performance
Kaiser, Robert
AUT 229 01 - Auto Heating And Air Conditioning
LaJoie, Paul
AUT 231 01 - Innovative Auto Tech
LaJoie, Paul
AUT 233 01 - Light Vehicle Diesel Systems
LaJoie, Paul
BCT 111 01 - Framing Systems
Cole, Matthew
BIO 114 20 - Human Biology With Lab
Soucy, Trena
BIO 115 26 - General Biology w/Lab
Kierstead, Harold
BIO 201 01 - Anatomy Phy I w/Lab
Soucy, Trena
BIO 201 20 - Anatomy Phy I w/Lab
Soucy, Trena
BIO 201 21 - Anatomy Phy I w/Lab
Hannigan, Michael
BIO 201 60 - Anatomy Phy I w/Lab
Hannigan, Michael
BIO 211 01 - Anatomy Phy II w/Lab
Soucy, Trena
BIO 211 20 - Anatomy Phy II w/Lab
Soucy, Trena
BIO 218 01 - Microbiology Lec/Lab
Soucy, Trena
BUS 101 01 - Intro To Business
Collins, Michelle
BUS 101 02 - Intro To Business
Collins, Michelle
BUS 101 20 - Intro To Business
Collins, Michelle
BUS 101 22 - Intro To Business
Collins, Michelle
BUS 101 92 - Intro To Business
Nunez, Kristen
BUS 101 9C - Intro To Business
Harris, Cynthia
BUS 101 9W - Intro To Business
Apgar, David
BUS 106 90 - Effective Customer Service
Degler, Vanessa
BUS 106 92 - Effective Customer Service
Nunez, Kristen
BUS 109 92 - Entrepreneurship
Nunez, Kristen
BUS 109 9C - Entrepreneurship
Harris, Cynthia
BUS 114 20 - Personal Finance
Collins, Michelle
BUS 114 90 - Personal Finance
Degler, Vanessa
BUS 114 92 - Personal Finance
Nunez, Kristen
BUS 114 9W - Personal Finance
Apgar, David
BUS 117 01 - Business Law I
Jackson, Karl
BUS 117 20 - Business Law I
Jackson, Karl
BUS 214 19 - Project Management
Jackson, Karl
BUS 217 01 - E-Commerce
Collins, Michelle
BUS 217 20 - E-Commerce
Collins, Michelle
BUS 229 01 - Principles Of Management
Jackson, Karl
BUS 229 20 - Principles Of Management
Jackson, Karl
BUS 241 92 - Principles Of Marketing
Nunez, Kristen
CIS 104 20 - Introduction to Computer Concepts
Jackson, Karl
CIS 104 21 - Introduction to Computer Concepts
Jackson, Karl
CIS 104 22 - Introduction to Computer Concepts
Jackson, Karl
CIS 105 20 - Intro Pc Operating Systems
Jackson, Karl
CIS 105 22 - Intro Pc Operating Systems
Jackson, Karl
CIS 108 20 - Spreadsheet Applications Business
Clayton, Dwight
CIS 113 01 - Intro To Computer Applications
Jackson, Karl
CIS 113 02 - Intro To Computer Applications
Clayton, Dwight
CIS 113 20 - Intro To Computer Applications
Collins, Michelle
CIS 113 21 - Intro To Computer Applications
Jackson, Karl
CIS 113 28 - Intro To Computer Applications
Wyman, David
CIS 113 92 - Intro To Computer Applications
Nunez, Kristen
CIS 129 01 - Database Applications Business
Clayton, Dwight
CIS 129 20 - Database Applications Business
Clayton, Dwight
COE 112 20 - Introduction To Linux
Caron, Reuben
COE 113 01 - Operating Systems
Caron, Reuben
COE 116 20 - A+ Cert Prep
Caron, Reuben
COE 116 90 - A+ Cert Prep
Daigle, Mitchell
COE 118 01 - A+ Cert Prep Lab
Caron, Reuben
COE 118 90 - A+ Cert Prep Lab
Daigle, Mitchell
COE 218 26 - Network Administration
Caron, Reuben
COE 219 26 - Electronics for Computer Techs
Caron, Reuben
COE 228 20 - Security+ Certification
Caron, Reuben
COL 103 20 - College Success
Graham, Jennifer
COL 103 21 - College Success
Graham, Jennifer
COL 103 22 - College Success
Graham, Jennifer
COL 103 23 - College Success
Graham, Jennifer
COL 103 26 - College Success
Pelkey, Eric
COM 111 20 - Speech
Bartlett, Jessica
COM 111 21 - Speech
Bartlett, Jessica
COM 111 22 - Speech
Bartlett, Jessica
COM 212 20 - Bus Communications I
Graham, Jennifer
COM 221 20 - Technical Communications
Bartlett, Jessica
DIM 112 01 - Intro Diesel Hydraulics Tech
Butterfield, Jeffrey
DIM 112 90 - Intro Diesel Hydraulics Tech
Berube, Michael
DIM 116 01 - Engine Rebuilding
Butterfield, Jeffrey
DIM 129 50 - Commercial Truck Driving
Dyer, Dennis
DIM 211 01 - Hydraulic Tech
Butterfield, Jeffrey
DIM 212 01 - Engine Diagnosis
Butterfield, Jeffrey
DRR 109 01 - Print Reading for Welders
Duplessis, Dean
DRR 117 01 - Blueprint Reading Construct Trades
Buck, Pamela
ECE 101 26 - Health Learn Environments Children
Richards, Hallie
ECE 101 90 - Health Learn Environments Children
Vaillancourt, Justine
ECE 101 93 - Health Learn Environments Children
Crane, Amanda
ECE 105 26 - Adv Intellectual Social Develop
Richards, Hallie
ECE 105 90 - Adv Intellectual Social Develop
Vaillancourt, Justine
ECE 192 01 - Field Exper Early Childhood Ed I
Clark, Danielle
ECE 192 93 - Field Exper Early Childhood Ed I
Crane, Amanda
ECE 197 19 - Field Exper Early Childhood Ed III
Clark, Danielle
ECE 210 50 - Child Guidance & Discipline
Clark, Danielle
ECE 230 50 - Curriculum Early Child Birth To 3
Clark, Danielle
ECE 235 19 - Curriculum Early Child Ed 3-8
Clark, Danielle
ECO 213 01 - Macroeconomics
Jackson, Karl
ECO 213 20 - Macroeconomics
Jackson, Karl
EET 221 01 - Control Systems & PLC's
Maynard, Todd
EET 221 02 - Control Systems & PLC's
Maynard, Todd
ELC 110 20 - National Electrical Code
Maynard, Todd
ELE 112 01 - Basic Residential Wiring
Chouinard, Jacob
ELE 112 02 - Basic Residential Wiring
Chouinard, Jacob
ELE 112 03 - Basic Residential Wiring
Chouinard, Jacob
ELE 112 99 - Basic Residential Wiring
Cushman, Gregory
ELE 210 01 - Elect Construct & Maintenance I Lec
Maynard, Todd
ELE 212 01 - Elect Construct & Maintenance I Lab
Chouinard, Jacob
ELE 212 02 - Elect Construct & Maintenance I Lab
Chouinard, Jacob
ELS 115 01 - Basic Electricity/Electronics
Maynard, Todd
ELS 115 02 - Basic Electricity/Electronics
Kilcollins, Wayne
ELS 116 01 - Basic Electricity/Electronics Lab
Barnes, Thomas
ELS 116 02 - Basic Electricity/Electronics Lab
Barnes, Thomas
ELS 116 50 - Basic Electricity/Electronics Lab
Barnes, Thomas
ELS 119 01 - Intro Elect Systems
Barnes, Thomas
EMS 112 26 - Respiratory Emergencies
Beil, Matthew
EMS 113 26 - Cardiology I
Beil, Matthew
EMS 114 01 - AEMT Lab
Beil, Matthew
EMS 115 26 - Fundamentals Of EMS Systems
Saucier, Mira
EMS 116 26 - Emergency Medical Technician-Basic
Gahagan, Daniel
EMS 116 93 - Emergency Medical Technician-Basic
Koppel, Ray
EMS 116 9Z - Emergency Medical Technician-Basic
Nichols, Todd
EMS 122 26 - AEMT Clinical Extern I
Gagnon, Andrew
EMS 126 26 - AEMT Clinical Extern II
Gagnon, Andrew
EMS 130 01 - AEMT Skills Seminar
Gagnon, Andrew
EMS 205 26 - Medical Emergencies
Saucier, Mira
EMS 216 26 - Paramedic Clinical Externship I
Beil, Matthew
EMS 220 26 - Pediatric Emergencies
Beil, Matthew
EMS 222 26 - Trauma Management
Beil, Matthew
EMS 236 01 - Paramedic Assess Based Manage
Gagnon, Andrew
ENG 017 01 - Reading Writing Fundamentals
Carlson, Robert
ENG 111 01 - English Composition
Pelkey, Eric
ENG 111 02 - English Composition
Carlson, Robert
ENG 111 03 - English Composition
Pelkey, Eric
ENG 111 04 - English Composition
Pelkey, Eric
ENG 111 05 - English Composition
Carlson, Robert
ENG 111 06 - English Composition
Bartlett, Jessica
ENG 111 07 - English Composition
Graham, Jennifer
ENG 111 08 - English Composition
Bartlett, Jessica
ENG 111 20 - English Composition
Carlson, Robert
ENG 111 21 - English Composition
Bartlett, Jessica
ENG 111 22 - English Composition
Carlson, Robert
ENG 111 23 - English Composition
Carlson, Robert
ENG 111 24 - English Composition
Carlson, Robert
ENG 111 60 - English Composition
Harrigan, Kathleen
ENG 113 01 - Working In America
Pelkey, Eric
ENG 113 02 - Working In America
Raymond, David
ENG 226 20 - Introduction to Literature
Pelkey, Eric
HIS 123 01 - US History 1500-1865
Raymond, David
HIS 123 20 - US History 1500-1865
Raymond, David
HIS 123 21 - US History 1500-1865
Raymond, David
HIS 206 01 - American Sports History
Raymond, David
HIT 100 20 - Introduction to Medical Coding
Harvey, Rhonda
HIT 219 20 - Medical Coding Internship (PPE)
Harvey, Rhonda
MAT 011 01 - Foundational Math
Drost, Ryan
MAT 011 20 - Foundational Math
Drost, Ryan
MAT 115 9C - Business Mathematics
Harris, Cynthia
MAT 116 01 - Quantitative Reasoning
Drost, Ryan
MAT 116 02 - Quantitative Reasoning
Drost, Ryan
MAT 116 03 - Quantitative Reasoning
Drost, Ryan
MAT 116 20 - Quantitative Reasoning
Drost, Ryan
MAT 116 21 - Quantitative Reasoning
Drost, Ryan
MAT 116 22 - Quantitative Reasoning
Drost, Ryan
MAT 121 02 - Technical Mathematics
Ward, Shari
MAT 121 20 - Technical Mathematics
Ward, Shari
MAT 122 01 - Technical Mathematics
Ward, Shari
MAT 122 02 - Technical Mathematics
Ward, Shari
MAT 122 20 - Technical Mathematics
Ward, Shari
MAT 122 21 - Technical Mathematics
Ward, Shari
MDA 110 01 - Medical Assisting Office Procedures
LeBlanc, Taylor
MDA 110 26 - Medical Assisting Office Procedures
LeBlanc, Taylor
MDA 110 90 - Medical Assisting Office Procedures
Guerrette, Rebecca
MDA 112 01 - Medical Assisting Procedure W/Lab
LeBlanc, Taylor
MDA 224 20 - Electronic Health Records
LeBlanc, Taylor
MDA 224 26 - Electronic Health Records
LeBlanc, Taylor
NSO 500 20 - New Student Orientation for HS
Donohue, Jennifer
NSO 600 20 - New Student Orientation
Nelson, Tammy
NSO 600 99 - New Student Orientation
Nelson, Tammy
NUR 100 20 - Nursing Program Success
Lahey, Jessica
NUR 100 21 - Nursing Program Success
Seldomridge, Angela
NUR 100 60 - Nursing Program Success
Carr, Sara
NUR 115 60 - Pharmacology for Nurses
Carr, Sara
NUR 117 20 - Nutrition
Lahey, Jessica
NUR 117 21 - Nutrition
Seldomridge, Angela
NUR 117 60 - Nutrition
Carr, Sara
NUR 128 01 - Foundations of Nursing
Lahey, Jessica
NUR 128 02 - Foundations of Nursing
Seldomridge, Angela
NUR 128 60 - Foundations of Nursing
Carr, Sara
NUR 129 01 - Clinical Practicum I/Geriatric Pop
Lahey, Jessica
NUR 129 02 - Clinical Practicum I/Geriatric Pop
Seldomridge, Angela
NUR 129 60 - Clinical Practicum I/Geriatric Pop
Carr, Sara
NUR 225 01 - Nursing Across Lifespan II
Soucy, Michelle
NUR 225 02 - Nursing Across Lifespan II
Hammond, Kacey
NUR 228 01 - Clinical Pract III Across Lifespan
Soucy, Michelle
NUR 228 02 - Clinical Pract III Across Lifespan
Hammond, Kacey
NUR 230 01 - Nursing Across the Life Span III
Gagnon, Andrew
NUR 231 01 - Clinical Pract IV Across Lifespan
Gagnon, Andrew
NUT 101 20 - Intro Nutrition
Manley, Dara
PHY 150 01 - Physics
Ward, Shari
PHY 150 02 - Physics
Ward, Shari
PHY 150 25 - Physics
Ward, Shari
PLH 101 01 - Plumbing Tech
Gordon, Loren
PLH 109 01 - Plumbing Lab I
Gordon, Loren
PLH 113 01 - Pipefitting Calculations
Gordon, Loren
PLH 209 01 - HVAC Controls
Gordon, Loren
PLH 214 01 - Heating Technology I
Gordon, Loren
PLH 216 50 - Propane & Natural Gas I
Bourgoine, John
PLH 218 01 - Heating I Lab
Gordon, Loren
PMT 100 50 - Introduction to Programming
Duplessis, Dean
PMT 110 01 - 3D Solid Modeling
Buck, Pamela
PMT 113 50 - Print Reading Machinists
Duplessis, Dean
PMT 122 01 - CNC Mill & Lathe Setup & Oper I
Duplessis, Dean
POL 101 01 - American Government
Raymond, David
PSY 101 01 - General Psychology
Good, Shelli
PSY 101 20 - General Psychology
Good, Shelli
PSY 101 21 - General Psychology
Good, Shelli
PSY 101 22 - General Psychology
Good, Shelli
PSY 101 60 - General Psychology
Ivey, Melissa
PSY 207 20 - Dev Psychology
Good, Shelli
PSY 209 20 - Abnormal Psychology
Good, Shelli
SAE 117 01 - Occupational Safety
Jackson, Karl
SAE 121 01 - Industrial Safety
Jackson, Karl
SAE 121 93 - Industrial Safety
Mitchell, Richard
SOC 111 60 - Sociology
Ivey, Melissa
TEC 112 01 - Building Science I
Cole, Matthew
WEI 101 01 - Intro Welding
Taggett, Rick
WEI 101 02 - Intro Welding
Taggett, Rick
WEI 101 92 - Intro Welding
Espling, Darrell
WEI 101 93 - Intro Welding
Mitchell, Richard
WEI 103 01 - Welding for Auto Tech
Taggett, Rick
WEI 113 50 - Thin Metals Welding
Sargent, Jason
WEI 133 01 - Electric Welding
Taggett, Rick
WEI 137 01 - Structural Welding I
Taggett, Rick
WPT 110 01 - Safety Fund Wind Technicians
James, Benjamin
WPT 114 01 - Intro Wind Power Industry
James, Benjamin
WPT 119 01 - Wind Turbine Drive Systems
Kilcollins, Wayne
WTT 103 20 - Intro Water TreatTech
Wiley, Patrick
WTT 111 26 - Water Treatment I
Wiley, Patrick
WTT 113 20 - Water Plant Operation
Wiley, Patrick
WTT 121 26 - WasteTreat I
Wiley, Patrick
WTT 206 26 - Wastewater Collection Systems
Wiley, Patrick

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